Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chicken á la Fancy with Brown Rice and Broccoli

This meal came to be because I was looking for something healthier and lighter, but still keeping things very flavorful. I love brown rice and broccoli just happens to complete the meal very well. So this is what I came up with, my Chicken á la Fancy with Brown rice and Broccoli!

The chicken was pan-seared in EVOO (See, there it goes again! There I go using one of my favorite "RRism's") and seasoned to perfection with Tony Chachere's and Blackening Seasoning. Juicy and tender, they went quite well on top of a pillowy stack of perfectly cooked brown rice. The EVOO seeped down into the rice, providing extra flavor. But that isn't the kicker...

After the chicken was taken out of the skillet, in goes the green onions, bell peppers, tomato, and garlic. Then, into the skillet goes the white wine! That makes all the flavors come together like clockwork! The white wine cooks everything down and releases the flavors of the veggies and the EVOO that's still in the pan. Then pop the chicken back in the white wine and veggies and let them cook for a few more minutes. Take them out and top the rice with them. Let those flavors lavish the rice... The flavors are magic!

While the white wine and veggies are cooking, the broccoli should be cooking down with some butter and Tony Chachere's. When they are done, use the broccoli florets to fancy the mound of brown rice, then take some of the white wine sauce and pour it over the chicken, rice, and broccoli, then serve up. Your family will sing your praises! Mine did, and I am definitely stepping it up for my next recipe!

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